
A snip of my Twitter profile showing my photo and the blue checkmark of verification beside my name.

Twitter Out of the Blue

I’ve never really been a “follow the crowd” type of woman. One look at my wardrobe in high school and you’ll see that was always true. I wore a “security sweater”, like The Peanuts’ Linus with his blanket. Sure, I also had a 1970’s fooler top (one piece that looks like two), platform shoes, and flared cords. Sometimes you had to get whatever was trendy because that’s all that was available.

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Bot and Sold

I suppose I should feel flattered. Scores of Twitter bots, those automated, pre-programmed fake accounts, started following me last week. I didn’t even realize it was part of a trend until London’s Medical Officer of Health tweeted about it. Then CTV London did a story about it, explaining that ‘prominent’ Londoners were being targeted by these sinister little twits. …

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