Port Stanley

Port Stanley lift bridge under construction with just one half raised up

The King George Bridge – ImPort Stanley

ImPort Stanley is weekly series about life and discoveries as a recent “import” to Port Stanley, ON.

Watching the lift bridge in Port Stanley is oddly compelling. A patio with concrete picnic tables sits at the water’s edge, and there’s nowhere I’d rather be on a warm summer night than on one of those benches, enjoying an ice cream cone, watching the boats float past. We try to guess how much they cost. Or where they’re from. Or just enjoy the view of happy-looking people doing what they love. When the bells sound and the bridge breaks in half, rising to 80-plus degrees, you can’t look away. It’s never boring. It opens every half hour during peak season.

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Port Stanley Beach on the shore of Lake Erie as seen through the helicopter windshield

New Friday Series: ImPort Stanley

It will not come as a surprise to you that Ms. Clever Pants, Erin Davis, came up with the title. She proposed it for the name of a side hustle I was contemplating. But Port Stanley, like many small towns, is all about local-local-local. Importing stuff, or implying it’s imported, doesn’t excite them. However, we are imports.

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Bitten by the B and B Bug – House Proud, Sun Media

Imagine opening your home, your sanctuary, to strangers, allowing them to stay a night or two and what’s more, you serve them breakfast in the morning.  That’s the chosen lifestyle for thousands of people who run a Bed and Breakfast.  It’s not for everyone but it’s a choice that many make with no regrets. …

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