
collage of words on a black background centred on Gig Economy. Words include workforce, cultural, independent, freelancers, temporary and mobile.

Gigging 101

Every week, someone asks me about the freelance life. What’s it like to work for The Man all your career and then do your own thing? Lots of people are taking the plunge. Some who have been working from home since the pandemic will never go back into an office and now gig instead.. Others have seen the freedom and benefits of working for themselves. I’m no fortune teller, but I got lucky. My freelance/self-employment career began before the pandemic started. It gave me a chance to get a foothold on it before the latest spurt of growth in the gig-economy.

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black and white doodle of an angry man looking into a computer monitor

The Pain/Pleasure Principle

People often ask me why I’m no longer on the radio and whether I miss it. Radio and I had a long love affair. I loved it and it mostly loved me back. After a long career for which I’m eternally grateful, I grew frustrated with corporate owners who didn’t care about radio. When these giant companies swallowed up smaller players, the CRTC forced them to take radio stations even though all they wanted was TV. TV – specifically flagship TV stations in Toronto – is the favourite child. Radio is an afterthought. No, I don’t miss it. I miss the people, not the culture or the work.

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A woman's face half robot and half human in shades of blue

My (Unlikely) Replacement

All through the voice-over trade, worries are bubbling like simmering soup that artificial intelligence will replace human voices. Some in the voice-over game full-time are wringing their hands that work will dry up, AI will take over and the voice will become obsolete. I’m in the VO game full-time and I’m not worried. With a caveat.

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close-up of fingers on a keyboard

More Than Words

A definite upside to narrating and editing audiobooks is getting to absorb their content. Derek is on a roll with a bunch of non-fiction books in a row. Some are more interesting than others, but I find that all self-help, you-can-do-this books are uplifting. It’s not a chore to listen to my husband read words of affirmation and encouragement for several hours as I help with editing.

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red background with happy face and white lettering reads: I'm a nice person until you piss me off!

Nice Girls Finish Last

Women of my vintage put up with a lot of crap. Passed over for a promotion because of our gender. Looked through when it came to gathering opinions around the boardroom table. (I was the only female on a management team, for a time.) It was part of the deal. Early on, I was confused about relationships. I never knew whether I had “the right” to be firm with men who were treating me like a thing. Being a “nice girl” didn’t help.

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