Linking Thinking
If you’re on Linked In, what’s your rule for accepting invitations to connect? …
Perhaps you’ve read a self-help book or two about how to argue. Maybe you’ve taken a class or been in marriage counselling or took another type of conflict resolution lesson. So, you know that the number one rule is to focus on how you feel, and not to attack the other person. And you separate the behavior from the individual. “I love you Timmy, but I don’t love that you hired that hooker!” …
Attack Ideas and Not People Read More »
I can’t count how many times I’ve forgotten what I wore to work earlier in the week. Or the day before. Or earlier that same day. Sometimes I have to check the laundry basket to confirm it. It’s partly because of chronic fatigue. I could organize my closet in such a way that my outfits would rotate evenly, but I don’t. …
The gist of the latest darling of the self-help world’s advice is just stop caring about things that don’t matter. Um, I mean, stop giving a f***. …
The Last F***ing Self-Help Book You’ll Ever Need Read More »
Adulting is now a word. And adulting is hard. How does one adult? You did it today. You got up and faced Monday despite not really wanting to. That’s adulting. …
Did You Adult Today? Read More »
Recently, someone in our industry died and social media was filled with tributes to him. From my first introduction to him in the early 80’s, to our last encounter at Rogers radio in Toronto, I didn’t have a good experience with this person. Ever. So I simply stayed out of it and didn’t comment. It was as if they were all talking about someone I’d never met. …
One thing I’ve never been called, is a best-selling author! I have written four books and they’ve all had varying degrees of minor success. My most popular book, The Naked Truth, continues to sell a few dozen copies each month. Every author dreams of best-seller status, but a book marketer in Texas decided to expose the notion of what that means these days. …
This week, NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. burned up the Twitterverse with a post about his favourite sandwich. You remember Elvis’s ‘nana and peanut butter? Try banana and mayonaisse on white bread! …
What’s In the Middle Read More »
How a company decides which social media expert to follow, is beyond me. Anyone can say they’re an expert on the most effective ways to use Facebook, Twitter, etc., so with about a decade of experience, I’m declaring myself an expert today. And I hope you’ll add your own tips in the comments section. …
Five Social Media Tips from an “Expert” Read More »
My Twitter rule is that I will follow anyone who follows me unless they are:
Twitter Twits and Worse Read More »
If you’ve never played the online game Candy Crush, you might only know it from the requests to play that clutter up social media. That, by the way, is a problem with your privacy settings on Facebook. If you’re getting anything you don’t want on your page, it’s your fault. You can prevent it. But people would rather complain. And I digress. …