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Tweet from a lab-animal rescue organisation shows Ricky with a rescued Beagle named Scarlett and a mention of the millions he has given to animal wefare groups

Review: After Life

Ricky Gervais doesn’t give a flying shit about what I think. Nor should he. If I’m ever lucky enough to talk to him, I’ll ask whose opinion does matter to him, other than his own. His longtime girlfriend Jane’s? If Jane thought something he wrote was rubbish, would he rewrite it or tell her she’s “mental”? (I don’t care either way – I just want to know the answer!)

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Review: Miss Marley

Just before Christmas, a companion novella to Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was released. Miss Marley: A Christmas ghost story – a prequel to A Christmas Carol by historical fiction writer Vanessa LaFaye tells her imagined history of Scrooge’s business partner, Jacob Marley. That on its own would be enough. But there are more layers to the tale and how it came to be.

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