Social Marketing

My Inner Squiggle – I Mean Struggle

Some time ago, I announced on Twitter that I was giving up the fight over the apostrophe. I felt defeated. Some smart people – and a lot of dumb ones – still don’t know (or don’t care) when it’s supposed to be used. I decided I’d never win the fight so I waved a white hanky in surrender.

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Bedtime Stories

Two young girls from Dover, Delaware love to read and they wanted to share that love. They begged their Mom to let them read bedtime stories every night on Facebook Live. They reasoned that other kids don’t have someone to read to them. The girls found it easier to fall asleep to a story and wanted to help other kids do the same. Their Mom agreed, with a strict list of rules.

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As a child of the late 60s and the 70s, it always irked me when people called a 45 centre a “spider”. “Oh, that’s what it was called”, they said. “They”, being amateur historians who weren’t there when 45s were the most popular way to play music and needed the special bit of plastic to fit them onto a record player spindle! Harrumph, and other sounds of indignation…

Centre-Middle-Thingy Read More »