Personal Life

a row of little girls in matching pink robes posing at a slumber party

Telling Ourselves A Better Story

Last month, when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars, it was a perfect, if exaggerated example of how victims of bullying see their fate. The bully assaults you and then gets an award and a standing ovation. The victim is left wondering, what about me? What about right and wrong? Why does the bully matter more and why doesn’t someone stand up for me?

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Joey and Ross on Friends are cuddled on a couch napping

What We Get Wrong About Sleep

Our collective sleep quality and quantity is one of many things negatively affected by the pandemic. People who never had trouble sleeping now have bouts of insomnia. Add an incomprehensible war with 24/7 coverage and our ability to wind down is worsened. We have always talked a lot about sleep in this house. It’s probably third, after food and the cat. I slept like crap. I had a great sleep. What time did you get up? And so on.

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X-ray type outlines of a man and a woman looking at each other with parts of their brains lit up in red and yellow

You’ve Got to Change Your Mind

A young friend, a former colleague actually, told me this phrase as part of a teenage-hood anecdote. When she got upset about something she couldn’t do anything about, her Mother would say, “You’ve got to change your mind”. As someone who didn’t grow up with that kind of advice, I see its immense power and wisdom.

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Cuddles' face looking directly into the camera. He is lying on a blue tartan throw laid over a brown leather couch. He is all black with big green eyes.

Anticipating Cuddles

Even as we grieved for Miss Sugar, we knew it wouldn’t be long before we welcomed another little beating heart into our home. There’ll never be another Miss Sugar or a Spice. But the place felt empty without a furball to feed and love. Enter Cuddles, a 13-year-old panther-like beauty surrendered to Animal Aide in St. Thomas 7 long months ago.

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Miss Sugar stretched out on the grey couch with a clipart, red and white santa hat placed on her head

The Only One We Get

I’ve been truly gobsmacked over the sheer number of comments here and on social media about my alcoholism post. It amazes me that people respond so generously to an honest revelation about something that, not so long ago, brought me feelings of shame. But it’s when we reveal our flaws that we give others permission to do the same. We ought to learn this stuff in school. So, thank you for sharing your experiences and simply for being kind.

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Bottled Up

My Mother was always searching for the right skincare solution. Years of smoking, and in her younger days, baking in the sunshine, took their toll on her face. After she quit smoking her skin visibly improved. But she always hoped there was something out there that would restore her dewy, youthful glow.

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teal background with white lettering that reads: Where you come from does matter - but not nearly as much as where you are headed. Jodi Picoult

Where You’re Going

My first husband and I moved back to Ontario from BC so he could take a radio job in London. I would be unemployed and look for work while he carried the load. Due to a miscommunication, he thought the salary number he was given referred to his monthly pay. We soon found out that the number meant annually, in the thousands. Not many thousands. It was a lot less than we counted on before packing to move across the country.

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