Personal Life

Love Lives On

One of my rear car seats has been in the down position since I moved more than a month ago.  I failed to remove the headrest before pushing the backrest forward and down and the seat became jammed too tightly for my wimpy little self to be able to pull it back upright.  So I asked the guy at Mr. Lube to do it for me while my oil was being changed.  He cheerfully complied. …

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Home Improvement

You may be aware that I write a bi-weekly column for the Toronto Sun called House Proud.  It runs in the New Homes and Condos section and it’s about anything and everything to do with owning a home.  It’s also one of my favourite freelance jobs because I’m all about a comfortable home – not showy or even necessarily with the latest and greatest things.  But an oasis and a nest that reflects the people who live in it.  …

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Return to the Snowbelt

In the winter of 1983-84, I moved from Prince George BC to London ON.  I drove a VW Rabbit diesel with Puff the lizard in a carrier beside me.  It was an unconventional trip to be sure. I vividly recall being threatened with bodily harm after stopping at a small town bar in search of a coffee near last call on a Saturday night.  Apparently firing up the coffeemaker was holding up the beer pouring and time was running out, making some thirsty locals very unhappy. …

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