Personal Life

Review- Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth

A lot of women don’t view food the way I do. It has often baffled me when people load several mayo-laden salads onto their plates and don’t even blink.  They buy real ice cream and ignore the fat content printed on the side.  They walk into a grocery store and believe that it’s possible to choose to eat every single item on every single shelf, except for what they don’t like.  For me, food has always fallen into two categories: enemy or treat.   I will look at the ice cream that I really want and buy the low-fat, low-taste stuff instead.  That’s how I’ve been for a long, long time. …

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My Best Advice

As I’ve previously explained, my sister-in-law bought the original Bernice – my former bike, a Suzuki Boulevard S40 – and now that I’m on a bigger machine (Honda Shadow Aero) I’m having to relearn a few things to account for the heavier weight and more power. So I started thinking about the things Iwould tell a new rider that I wish someone had told me.  …

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