Personal Life


When I went to my Mom’s condo in early August for a visit from far-away relatives, I didn’t know how long I would be there. I had packed a bag a few times before, believing I would “know” when it was time to stay, and I did. It was clear. But I didn’t try to imagine when I would return home, because going home meant my Mom would be gone, and I wanted to put that off for as long as possible.

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cover of the book Why are All the Black Kids SItting together in the Cafeteria?

The White Experience

A teenage girl who grew up in California dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Her family moved to the US when she was a toddler. She got excellent grades and anticipated going to university and then law school. She was prepared to work to pay for her education. After all, it’s the American Dream. And in America, you can be anything you want to be.

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random black music notes spread out on a white blackground

That Song

Discussing frivolous things right now seems wrong. Serious, important issues are at the forefront and I’m definitely taking part in those conversations. But sometimes, you need a mental break. Whether it’s turning off social media, or talking about the weather, or what have you. In that spirit, I want to share a little happy, silly, but satisfying occurence in my life! And it’s all about a song.

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computer keyboard with a credit card hooked on a fishing hook

Something Phishy

I’m prepared to be judged for this. Whenever someone is scammed, we like to assume they’re stupid because that leaves us feeling we’ll never be a victim. My response has always been, “They wouldn’t keep the scam going if it didn’t work”. I hesitated to write about it. But after something similar happened to the wise and wonderful Reta Ismail, she encouraged me to tell my story. Maybe it will help someone else.

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