Ixnay on the Ompliments-cay!

A few blogs back I waxed on about the city’s forestry department and its efficiency.  They even came and picked up the remnants of our huge, dead tree before last weekend.  For an 8 man department, they’re pretty good.  For us, at least.  We learned that some people have been waiting for months for them to tend to their deceased trees.  We got lucky.  But I digress. …

Ixnay on the Ompliments-cay! Read More »

Who’s Your Style? House Proud – The Toronto Sun

As a confirmed deco-nut, there are some designers whose opinions I seek out, either via the magazines or TV shows they front or by visiting their websites once in a while to see what’s new. They keep me up to date on the latest trends and help me decide what’s right for me and my own home.  …

Who’s Your Style? House Proud – The Toronto Sun Read More »