I know you’re busy, but…

Yesterday we met some friends for brunch.  This couple and their kids join us once a month or so and we love the little guys and their adorable antics.  The older lad is a mini-me to Dad and he usually quips something memorable.  The smaller guy is quieter but adorable to watch.  They give us a kid fix while we get a rare chance to visit with busy Mom and Dad.  …

I know you’re busy, but… Read More »

Finishing Touch – House Proud, The Toronto Sun

To paint or not to paint? That is the question when one is faced with unfinished wood. While one homeowner loves the look of oak or pine for its warmth and natural beauty, another can’t wait to pry off a paint can lid and start covering it up. My former colleague Michelle and her husband Carl know the dilemma all too well. A few years ago, they took part in The Decorating Challenge TV show and their one stipulation was, “Please don’t paint the gumwood banister and wainscoting up the stairway.” …

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A Band That Shall Remain Nameless

We went to another one of those sweet, little fall fairs on the weekend that had a vintage and classic car show.  Bless Derek’s heart, he’s patient with me and my tremendous lack of knowledge about classic automobiles.  I simply know the ones I think are pretty and even though I’m trying to learn, I don’t think much of it sticks.  Lucky for me, I also don’t think he’s about to spring a pop quiz on me anytime soon. …

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