Cover of Jody Wilson-Raybould's Book, Indian in the Cabinet - Speaking Truth to Power

The Red Meat Issue of Reconciliation

I recently finished reading Jody Wilson-Raybould’s 2021 book, Indian in the Cabinet. I heard her speak eloquently and candidly on the podcast Women of Ill Repute. Wilson-Raybould is an Indigenous lawyer and leader who served as a Liberal Cabinet Minister in Trudeau’s first term as PM. She left the Liberals after a scandal known as the SNC Lavalin affair.

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Two men arguing, in black silhouette

Closing the Great Divide

Everyone talks about the many ways we are different. In a deliberately sweeping generalization, Liberals want everything to change and Conservatives want life to go back to the way it was. In this country, we don’t even know why someone’s flying our nation’s flag anymore. Are they showing pride in Canada, or making a political statement?

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Meme of a lake in Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland, and the words: Gratitude Changes Everything.

The Many Ways Gratitude Makes Life Better

We mention gratitude, or its cousin “luck”, in this house every day, never taking our circumstances for granted. It’s Thanksgiving weekend for our friends in the US where being grateful is the order of the day. The challenge: to keep that perspective all year long.

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Me at about 20 years old, looking back over my shoulder from the oldest radio control room most people have ever seen - in Red Deer, Alberta.

Reverse Mentorships Make Perfect Sense

Memories of my early days in radio are a bit like a game of whack-a-mole. One vivid recollection will pop up and then, months later, that one will have been “whacked” and something else will emerge. I attribute this to a combination of heavy beer drinking back then, and those days being so darn long ago.

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Erin and I posing below a street mural that reads RADIO on Queen St. W.

Showing Off – ImPort Stanley

My ride-or-die Erin had some professional engagements in the GTA last week. After joining her for her appearance on CTV’s The Social (which I watched from the green room), I brought her back for a few low-key days in Port Stanley. She’d never been here, and I was so excited to show her our home turf.

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