Miss Sugar, the former blogging cat appreciates the comments, messages and notes she’s received since hanging up her keyboard. She gave us a scare a couple of weeks ago, and wants me to fill you in.
We noticed she had been getting thinner in recent weeks. Her ample belly, which we used to call “the floor duster”, no longer hit the hardwood. Her normally shiny coat was dull. And then the throw-ups started. So, to the vet we went.
This was during the height of lockdown. It was like meeting a CIA operative to deliver classified information. We handed her over and waited in the vehicle for further instructions. Our awesome vet adores Miss Sugar and delights in her company, so we always know she’s in good hands.

She’d lost 4 pounds. On you or me, that’s not a big deal. On this wee feline, it was 25% of her body weight. Without a crash diet or a new personal trainer, it’s something to look into.
Blood was drawn and all of the worst cases were ruled out. In fact, her doctor was elated by most of her results. She’s pretty healthy for a cat of 16. She has arthritis in her hips, which explains her occasional reluctance to jump on furniture. But there’s no sign of diabetes or a host of other things that might have shown up.
However, testing did reveal the beginnings of kidney disease. It’s a progressive illness that we can slow down but not stop. It means a change in diet (lower protein food) and closer monitoring. Our number one concern for her is discomfort and they assure us she’s not in any pain.
Some people have asked about her name. Why the formality of Miss Sugar, like an old-timey teacher in a one-room schoolhouse?
When I found her she was a 10-year-old sweetie, sick with a tummy bug, and freshly surrendered to the London Humane Society. Her name was Kitty. That would never do. We already had Spice, the elder statesman adopted from Animal Aid in St. Thomas. So the ever-clever Erin Davis suggested we rename her Sugar.
Somehow, Derek took to calling her Missy, which he still does. So, we brought both names together for Miss Sugar.
She is our Queen and will continue to be treated like royalty. She is still a little chatterbox who enjoys our call-and-response conversations, even though neither one of us knows what we’re talking about. And she’s enjoying retirement. Although I do occasionally catch her at the keyboard, Googling random cat videos and her old blogs. She laughs quietly to herself. Ah, glory days.
So glad that Miss Sugar is doing well. Thank you for the update and let Miss Sugar know…
meow, meow, mmmeeooww….
She replies, meow meow purrrrrrrrrrr.
Too cute! Carry on Miss Sugar! I’m so happy to always see and hear how much your royal subjects adore you ❤