Give Me a Break

If you follow me on social media, you might be aware that this is a difficult time of my life.

My Mother is ill. Dying. She was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer a few weeks after I quit my radio job in October 2018. I was grateful to have been available to be with her through every appointment and treatment over these last couple of years. I’d arrive a day before the appointment and become her short-term roommate for a few days as we navigated the health care system together. No one should have to go through it alone.

I’ve been living in her condo a couple hours away from home, for a month now. For the first three weeks, I was her caregiver. Then things became impossible. The “system” decided that this woman, who wasn’t able to get up from a sitting position on her own, didn’t qualify for in-home PSW visits. “Call us again in a couple of weeks and we will reassess”, said chipper Christine at the LHIN. Within a few days, Mom could no longer stand up at all. Unfortunately, there’s only one way to discover this; by collapsing on the floor. It was terrifying for both of us. She’s been in the local hospital ever since, waiting for a hospice bed that I fear she will never see.

I will have more to say about my Mom in the future. There are things to be learned about her treatments and, frankly, her stubborn attitude that got in her own way. (I do believe some of it is generational.) But right now, I am out of words and I need some time to process what’s going on. From updating relatives and friends to coaxing her to eat – just EAT – I’m drained. It’s a road many before me have traveled and understand. I just need a little time away. I miss my co-blogger Miss Sugar so much. She and I will return here when I feel I have something worth saying. Thanks for visiting. Please call your Mother.


21 thoughts on “Give Me a Break”

  1. Oh Lisa, my heart goes out to you and your family. So sorry you are having to go through this tough road at the moment, even more so during these challenging times. Taking a break is a good thing. I do hope the best for your Mom and hoping one day soon it gets sorted. Sending much love and strength to you all. You are an amazing daughter. Xo

  2. Thinking of you, sweet friend. I feel all of this so much. ? Please remember to care for yourself too. You’re a good daughter. ?

  3. Taking care of anyone is hard enough, taking care of someone as close as your Mom takes a special kind of person. I’m glad to see that you are taking the time to fill your own cup and to process all that you are going through. If there is anything I can do to help along the way I am always here. Sending you love and positivity and hoping for the best for your Mama ❤

  4. Had a hard time reading but so glad I did. Went through the same with my Dad 🙁 feelings all came flowing back…the good memories of my dad pushed the sad ones to the back of my memory and your memories will be what will help you too. Sending you virtual hug ?

  5. Rob and I send all of our love and strength to you – and to your brother, to Derek and to everyone in your extended family who is undoubtedly so grateful to you for the way in which you have devoted yourself to your mother’s care. We hold you in our hearts every day and wish you all of the strength you need. Take care of yourself, dear Lisa. With Love, E.

  6. So very sorry to read about your dear Mom’s battle. I have “been there, done that” 8 years ago with my dear Mom, but certainly not during a Pandemic which make this final journey even harder. You, your Mom and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, Lisa. You are not alone…

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