Hello my little pole scratchers! You know that old cliche, you’re not getting older, you’re getting better? Well, it’s true! This I know, because today I celebrate my fifteenth birthday!
If you want to be accurate, my birthday is on Thursday. And if you want to be even more accurate, we’re not entirely sure what day it is, except that it’s sometime this week! My original family didn’t provide this info to the Humane Society so Mother and Father did some math based on old notes in my health file. We chose Thursday because it’s the same date as Father’s late Mother’s birthday. My Grandma Audrey, who I never met, but I’m proud to honour her as we honour me!

I don’t want cake (I’m watching my figure) and there’s nothing I need except the love and attention I already receive. Your visits here warm my heart like a belly rub in a sunbeam on cat grass.
However, if you’re singing Happy Birthday to You in order to time your hand-washing sessions, feel free to slip my name in there today. That will do just fine!
I believe I’ll have some lunch and a long nap. In other words, it’s like any other day!
I do have one little piece of news to share: my photo shoot for the Humane Society of London-Middlesex 2021 calendar is booked! And I’ve been assigned the month of February. Yes, it’s the shortest month for the only cat in the calendar but it’s also the month that hosts Valentine’s Day and Black History Month. So I’m quite proud to be February’s representative. In fact, I’m honoured!
Until next time, with all my love and bits of chicken pate on whiskers,
Miss Sugar
“Tra-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la – Happy Birthday Sweet Fifteeeeeen”…(Neil Sedaka will be there in person next year for the real 16th with a rousing chorus of “Calendar Girl” while we’re at it) – and thank you for putting your paws to keyboard for your fans’ enjoyment!