At this moment, I’m relaxed with my humans in easy reach. Soon, this house will be full of relatives talking, chewing, laughing and drinking and I will be forced to shield myself in one of my hiding places. Humans are so loud! And when music is playing, they get even louder. Quiet introspection will have to wait until the new year, I suppose.

I’m looking forward to sharing with you the contents of my beloved stocking. I hope it contains a newspaper to spread out and lie upon. A paper which one of my people wants desperately to read. Darn you, smartphones! It’s not possible to claim an online paper as my own personal yoga mat.
And maybe Santa Claws will give me something filled with catnip. I don’t really care what it is. As long as I can roll on it and make my humans laugh, I’m happy.
Whether you have a cat, or you live in a sad, catless existence, I wish you the same amount of joy as everyone else this holiday season.
But get a cat, won’t you? Not as a Christmas present, heavens no! Never give anything with paws as a gift. What are we, smoked meat? Gloves? A pair of socks? No, don’t gift us. But someday, maybe you’ll enhance your life with a feline friend who needs a home and you’ll find the mutual joy in each other’s company. This is my Christmas wish.
From my palace, where I am Queen, to yours, I hope Santa brings you all of the treats and laser pointers you desire. We’ll talk soon, my lovelies. But now, I hear footsteps on the landing so I must scootch under a bed.
With love and kibbles,
Miss Sugar
Merry Catmas Miss Sugar. While we humans dream of sugarplums, enjoy your dreams of catnip and toy mice.
Merry Christmas to you and your humans Sugar.
Merry Christmas to you and those that love you, Miss Sugar.
Merry Christmas Miss Sugar from your feline friends, Jamie and Angie from Oakville