Hello, pumpkins! Did you miss me yesterday? It’s a new schedule and a new life have begun for your princess of pampering.
Before I explain our latest change of residence, I must point out the importance of this particular day. This is the day I became a permanent part of this quirky family. On October 8, 2015, Mother entered the London Humane Society and made a beeline for my crate. She had seen me online after she and Father decided Spice needed company. It was an arranged marriage/friendship/adoption that wasn’t without its challenges.
I was terribly ill at the time. Stomach upset followed desertion by my previous family and I was adorned with the cone of shame when Mother met me. A few more days would pass before I was cleared for take-off and she brought me home. There I met the love of my life: Father. My intended, Spice and I had a roller-coaster relationship. But there were some good times.

Sadly, Spice left us in July of last year. I did grow to love him but must admit that I enjoy having the humans to myself. Four years on, and my life continues to improve. And now, I’ve gone from city kitty to rural cougar.

This was my stance when Father broke the news. Packing stirs up bad memories. Before joining my fur-ever family, the other ones packed before leaving me in a strange place with dozens of other cats, all competing for the attention of visitors. Shelters are full of adorable kittens and it’s not easy for a feline of a certain age. But Mother only had eyes for me, and for that I’m grateful.
Despite my flashbacks and reluctance, I knew I would have no choice but to submit to the will of my humans.
So, here we are, in the country, surrounded on three sides by tall stalks of corn. Our home, built in 1870, is on a gravel road. Father has a large outbuilding for all of his tools. He is already talking about erecting another building to house his tractor and implements. The previous owners are a generous and friendly family, despite their irrational decision to allow two dogs to live with them. They have offered Father the use of their log-splitter and other things that seem to make him happy.
We are together. They’re doing their best to make me feel at home and considering my comfort and feelings. Our furniture has returned and I’m nestling into my favourite area rug again. It still smells like me. That’s a good sign, right? Tentative exploration of this home continues. I think everything’s going to be okay.
Until next week, with love from your optimistic ocelot,
Miss Sugar
Happy nestling in, all of you!!
Nice to be home I bet…..let’s hope you have many fun memories in your new home with your Mom & Dad Spice
Did you treat your momma human extra specially nice today for her birthday? Maybe a nice chocolate mouse (or does she prefer mousse)?