If you’re not familiar, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is an international fundraising walk that’s not like all the others. In various towns and cities, the annual stroll supports different charities and organizations. In London, it’s Anova.
The city’s shelter for abused women and children merged with the sexual assault centre and Anova is the result. They offer a 24-hour crisis line, safety and security, advocacy, support, and education. Today, more women than ever are accessing these services. Anova believes an end to violence against women is possible.
I know someone who had to make a middle-of-the-night move into this shelter. She and her children finally escaped when her monster of a husband was at work. However, the violence didn’t end when they left. He threatened her family members and went on a rampage as he tried to find her and the kids. There was, truly, nowhere else she could go without putting other lives in danger. She feels that the shelter and related services saved her life.
The atypical part of the Walk a Mile event is this:

Notice the red shoes? Men literally “walk a mile in her shoes” through Victoria Park, to raise $$. London police and firefighters have been tremendous supporters of this event. Afterward, there are fun activities and awards for the most money raised.
You may be wondering, what about women? Yes, females are encouraged to also take part wearing their comfy walking shoes. After all, we already know what it’s like to walk in heels.
Walk a Mile is looking for men who are man enough to walk in women’s footwear on Sunday, September 22nd. I’m going to be there. But, if you don’t want to walk, but would like to help the cause, please offer a few bucks to someone here: Walk a Mile roster. May I suggest the wonderful and generous Lincoln McCardle, or our city’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Chris Mackie? Either way, the money will get to where it’s needed most. Saving, sheltering and counseling for women and children affected by gender-based violence. Thank you.
Years ago while working for a City that was eventually amalgamated with Toronto I answered the phone and had a man tell me he had some furniture he wanted to donate to a local Women’s Shelter. He needed the address so he could deliver it. I told him that the shelters don’t give out their addresses but that I could give him a phone number to call. He became very frustrated and then very angry. He must have thought he’d hit on the perfect way to find his wife. It was obvious that there was no furniture. I pity the woman that was hiding from him. He hung up on me when he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere. Apologies for the long comment but I’ve never forgotten how he reacted when he realized his master plan hadn’t worked.
I love all comments, long and short. And yours today is pretty important. This is the reality that some people live with. A person hell-bent on revenge will try just about anything.
Great day for a great cause — appreciate the shout out and kind words!