My usual sense of careless joy deteriorated into a sense of ennui the likes of which no feline before me has ever had to endure. But, dear readers, I am nothing if not resilient. Things seemed to improve and my disposition experienced a boost along with them.
Shall we recap? Without any input from me, we moved from our London home of many years to a larger house in the far off land of Wallaceburg. Despite an extra set of stairs, I did not once misjudge my aging bladder. A mere 8 months later, I watched as nearly everything I infused with my scent was packed and taken away. The woman and I traveled by Kia for an eternity. The man (he’s my favourite) lagged behind and I worried I might not see him again. I sang in every key, every song I know and stopped only when we finally arrived at an apartment building on Wonderland Rd. in London.

I rode in an elevator for the first time with my female human, another woman, and a dog. My female held my crate up high to stay out of the filthy animal’s reach. I taunted him silently. He heard me, make no mistake, and he was as deeply insulted as I had hoped.
To my great relief, the man arrived sometime later while I explored the new surroundings. The humans did remember to bring all of my precious things, including the fuzzy pouf that the woman claims smells, “like Downy made a concentrated scent called “Cat’s Ass”. She sprinkled my pouf with baking soda and later started the sucking machine of death to remove the soda. She sniffed it; he sniffed it. They pronounced it improved. They have made an attempt to make this place feel like my home. Despite what Yoda says, “Do. Or do not. There is no try“, I feel I must recognize that they tried. Otherwise, they’d never earn my praise.

In our last hours as Wallaceburgers we watched the second shipping container get hauled away. We deflated that confounded air mattress and hope to never see it again. The woman from the new owners’ family came by and we visited and told her things about the house and its delightful quirks. She seemed very nice however I was dismayed to overhear that protection of the home will be supervised by a dog. A terrier! I can only hope that it chases the mean grey cat away for good.
The family has delightful plans for the property that made my humans smile. They love the house as we did. What was once the female human’s office and recording booth will become the children’s playroom. That made us all smile. Contrary to what you may think, I do enjoy the company of respectful children, in small doses. 130 km away seems about right.
I’m settling into our new life. This apartment’s decor does not have the woman’s touch, but it’s big and each of us has their own bathroom. Luxury! It could be worse. We could be sleeping on that air mattress again. I shudder at the mere thought of it. What I don’t understand is discussions I’m overhearing about “limbo” and “until the big move-in”. Am I to assume that this is not our final destination? Will we ever be reunited with the contents of the shipping containers? There is much that no one tells me! Please join me next Monday as this mystery continues to unfold.
With affection (unless you’re a dog or a tail-pulling child),
Miss Sugar
PS. There are pets much worse off than me. My former temporary home, The London Humane Society, is in urgent need of pet food. They looked after me and made me well when I was sick and waiting for my forever home. I ordered a case of canned cat food from their Amazon wishlist that will be delivered directly to them today. If you want to help, they could use the assistance. Thank you on behalf of one of their most beautiful foster animals – me!
I love waking up and reading the adventures of Miss Sugar ! She certainly has a wonderful way of expressing her feelings? Miss Sugar, maybe a Comic Strip would be in order….so how are your drawing skills? 😉
Love this. Miss Sugar, my mommy hooman read it to me?thank you.