Well, that was fun! Even though my subject was serious – my experience with septic shock – I had fun as a presenter at London’s momonday last night.

MoMonday happens once a month. It’s inspiring, informative and entertaining. Each speaker, usually four or five total, talks for about ten minutes. After I told my sepsis story, driving home the point of listening to your own gut instinct, my former work husband Ken Eastwood discussed grief. Ken’s 21-year-old son Duncan died from sepsis. Ken’s message: don’t wait until a tragedy happens to start giving back and doing more to help a cause or other people. Do it now.
Rick Verberne talked about becoming a race car driver, giving it up, and going back to it again with more passion than ever. And Andy Thibodeau, a professional speaker, shared a wonderful experience with the power of the invitation. How including someone makes a difference in their lives.
But the revelation of the night was our friend Kevin Bulmer, the host and organizer of London’s momondays. Kevin offered insight into how giving underdogs a chance can be a win-win. Kevin is a dynamic speaker. I can’t wait to see him do it again.
Thank you to everyone who came out last night. From the entire CJBK morning crew to former city councillor Paul Hubert to upcoming speakers like storm chaser Brian J. Spencer and everyone else who bought a ticket.
Momondays happen in cities across the country. Everybody has a story that’s worth telling. Maybe you’d like to tell yours?