Last week was a social butterfly week! It started with my appearance at momonday and then progressed through happy visits and obligations that kept me from getting much done. I paid for it all on Sunday morning.
I woke up with that jittery feeling, convinced I wouldn’t get everything finished that needs doing before we move in (gulp) four weeks. (Keep in mind that I KNOW I will get this stuff done, but anxiety isn’t about logic!)
And did I mention that we don’t know for sure where we’ll live for six weeks after we move? I’m working on it, but at this moment, we will be “of no fixed address”! But I digress.
I’ve been voicing an audiobook and gave myself a ton of time to complete it. I have until October. But now that we’re leaving, my deadline moves up to the middle of August because each recording room has a different tone and audiobooks must have consistency. So, I’m recording and editing like a demon. When you listen back, there are always mistakes that make you ask, “How did I do that and not even notice”? It’s part of the process. Each finished hour takes 3 or 4 hours to produce.
Then there’s daily work; voice jobs, writing tasks, and, oh yeah, I decided this was a great time to launch a business! LOL Thank goodness my biz partner is motivated and available to do a lot of the things that need doing right now. We did sign our first client. (Yay us!)
I took a day out to visit the grandbabies – Ryker and Vienna. I missed their recent 6th and 3rd birthdays (a day apart) because of other obligations. Derek picked out Ryker’s Star Wars Lego kit and it was clearly a hit.

Ryker is in French Immersion and proudly shared some of what he’s learned. Smart kid. I always include a new book with their gift and I read Vienna’s to her. Every time I thought she was bored I stopped, and she’d look at me like I was nuts. So I read the whole thing and got a half a hug. (That’s pretty good in her hug lingo!)
That was followed by a wonderful visit and lunch with my former 680 News colleague Jill Taylor. As a bonus, her husband Jef got home from the road while I was there. Jill is one of the warmest, nicest, smartest people you’ll ever meet. And the woman understands the weather!
And there’s packing. A container is being delivered to tuck away the garage stuff but if there’s room, some house stuff will go in it, too. So I’m making sure I’m ready. There are few things worse than packing under pressure.

It will all work out. There’s enough time. But anxiety doesn’t know that until you tell it. Slow down. Take a breath. Do something. Get productive. Git ‘er done. And always make time for the cat.
“Always make time for the cat..” So many lines… so little time…
Oh, Edward!
Before sealing any box or container, always make sure you know where the cat is. They occasionally love to inspect the interior of containers and have a nap.