When we last left our 80-year-old bathroom, a contractor was due to start tearing out the cultured-marble shower and replacing it with subway tile. It’s happening!
The contractor has some personal life complications and since he told us about them, we loosened our expectations. He started a day late (with huge apologies and advance notice) and will take a day or two longer to complete the job. That’s okay. He is picky about details and getting it done right. And there were a lot of tiles to put up

We hadn’t thought hard enough about where to put soap and stuff. Paul suggested the built-in shelf (partly visible on the left) and it’s perfect. This is why you need a pro – someone who can think of these things before it’s too late.
And here’s before:

Even though it’s a strange little space, it’s quite roomy. And now we have a guy in Wallaceburg, although he’s from Dover Centre. I’m looking forward to giving him a positive review on Facebook!
Oooooh – gorgeous! It sounds like you guys need each other: you were taking a chance and he needed a bit of compassion. A perfect fit.
So nice making something your own. Waiting to get pictures up in the kitchen so I can share before and afters. I smiled when I saw the angles in your shower – when we did our bathroom on Wortley we had angles. They made the guy doing the tile’s life hell because we went with glass tile. It looked amazing but it was a horrible thing for Paul to cut.
Our guy is named Paul too. And he said with a smile that he likes putting up big tiles better than the smaller ones! haha. Subway tiles aren’t his fave.