Thelma and Louise Take the GTA

Erin and I in the back seat of her car, driven by her husband

We’re not sure who’s Thelma and who’s Louise, but Erin Davis is back in Ontario for some book-related events and I’m going to ride shotgun!

Mourning Has Broken: Love, Loss and Reclaiming Joy hasn’t left the best-seller lists since its release in February. It’s a beautifully written, raw and honest account of the short life and death of Erin and Rob’s wonderful daughter Lauren, and how they’ve coped in the years without her. There’s a tremendous demand for Erin to return and share her story.

For where Erin’s appearing (and I’m tagging along!) go to her website,

Thelma and Louise came out nearly 30 years ago. George Clooney auditioned five times for the Brad Pitt role. (I always thought Pitt looked like a little kid in the movie.) That’s one factoid I learned in this article, 15 Things You Might Not Know About Thelma and Louise.

As we set out, we don’t have any plans to shoot anyone or commit any other crimes. And fortunately, we’re not going anywhere near the Grand Canyon. I will post here next week if time and Wifi allow.

2 thoughts on “Thelma and Louise Take the GTA”

  1. It was so great to finally get to meet you in person @ Erin’s gathering in Mississauga. Promise to visit your blog more often to keep up with your comings & goings. Enjoy the rest of your time together. Marg alias “Tiffany”

    1. It was wonderful to meet you, too, Tiffany! 😉 I met so many wonderful people who took the time to seek me out at Erin’s events. I am grateful.

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