There was no question in my mind that Erin Davis’s Mourning Has Broken would land on the best-seller list. Boy, I love it when I’m right!
The book is in its third printing, less than one week after its official release. And readers are snapping it up, as evidenced by The Globe and Mail’s best-seller lists for last week’s sales.

When it’s narrowed down to Canadian authors, the news is even better!

And then there are the Amazon and Chapters best-seller lists – Chapters, top 25 – Amazon, top 40. A huge accomplishment!
If you’ve turned on a television or a radio in the past week, you’ve probably heard or seen Erin – and perhaps Rob. The one question everyone asks is whether writing the book was cathartic. Erin’s answer: No. Reliving the worst thing that could happen to a parent was painful. But this book is already helping others on their journey toward healing, and that was her goal in putting herself through the ordeal of writing it.
If you read it, please take a moment to leave an online review. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Imagine you’re talking to someone who’s on the fence about buying the book. Why should they click “purchase”? That’s the question only a reader can answer.
Oh, Lisa – thank you. I can’t take this all in – the book, its reach but most of all what brought it to be. A therapist on the Marilyn Denis show (to air in April) says this book was Acceptance in the 5 Kubler-Ross stages. If that’s its other purpose, I’m okay with that too. Thank you again my friend. Always. ?
I am about 15 pages to the end of Erin’s book. I have loved every page, although some pages were hard to read through the tears. Thank you for giving this to so many that have suffered loss. It is a wonderful tribute to Lauren and special for Colin one day. Thank you to Erin and Rob for opening their wounds, I hope daily healing is a bit easier after this ♥️.
Erin you are blessed to have such a good friend in Lisa.
Ordered the book and received it the same day it came out.
Unfortunately I was unable to make it to the live book signings –
have not finished it yet but it is as good as I expected.
Many friends already asked to borrow it.
We are seniors so some cannot afford to buy the book in case you are wondering – I did tell them all jokingly to buy their own….
Congratulations Erin, you too Rob – May your healing continue.
hard to put down….content so loving, warm, genuine as only Erin can do as I travel this forever painful road with her….there are still many blessings in our lives to be thankful for but the pain remains as we have lost our daughters’ futures and what might have been.
I saw Erin in Oakville and have followed her for years. This book is everything she set out for it to be and I’m sure will help others on their journey. I just want to say that aside from that it’s a darn good read. She’s an amazing story teller and I couldn’t put it down.
It’s everything I expected from Erin. Most of all her honesty, to share with us the most personal details of her and Rob’s experience. I understand when she says that all she wants to talk about is Lauren but finds that everyone has moved on, I know loss through losing both my parents in less the 2 years apart both in the late 50’s.
When she talked about her and Rob kissing her with her 21 times game broke my heart. I’m crying just typing this. Chapter 4 was hard to read.
I read Erin’s blog everyday. I’m a silent follower. I comment sometimes on FB or Twitter but mostly follow her silently.
The book is amazing. She is amazing, they are amazing.
Stay strong Erin and Rob.
Erin is a wonderful storyteller, both in person and in her book. Mourning Has Broken takes you through every emotion with tears, laughter and complete admiration for the way she and Rob have dealt with such a painful loss. It is a must-read book. Congratulations to Erin for writing an amazing book that continues to climb the best-seller lists.
You’re no slouch either, when it comes to writing books!