It’s been a year since I started at CJBK. And we’re already launching the second morning show of my career stop there.
Before this, I was at Free-FM for four years, doing morning newscasts and later adding cohosting as well. Awesome people work at Free.

News Director Scott Kitching, who hired me, has the nickname BBE for Best Boss Ever. He’s a really good dude with a wonderfully dark sense of humour. PD Dan Wylie is one of the best managers ever. He has that rare ability to be able to balance the political b.s. that comes down from above, while simultaneously working well with the people below him.
There are many others, like Blair, morning show cohost who also read an early draft of The Naked Truth and gave me great feedback that actually prompted me to drop an entire chapter! The book is better because of it.
I keep in touch with all three of the reporters from the newsroom: Avery Moore has her own business in Brantford. Ashton Patis is Mayor Matt Brown’s Communications Advisor and Laura Carney is a newscaster at 680 News.
At my going-away lunch, sales rep extraordinaire Jake convinced our server that it was my retirement lunch. She was surprised and thrilled that I was packing it in while I was still so young! Good thing, too. If she had taken it in stride I would have called 911-BOTOX.
A year passes quickly. I miss these people and I’m grateful they gave me the rare opportunity to be part of a radio station launch. Sometimes people just assume that you loathe the ones you leave. It’s not necessarily true. Radio is a small business and getting smaller all the time. I still have great friends from my time at Corus London and from among this crew at Free. And I wish them all well.
And now another new adventure with Lisa & Ken! You and I just can’t hold on to a partner…;)