Before he became our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau was asked in an interview what kind of coffee he liked to drink. “I don’t drink coffee, actually”, he responded. “I learned that it was addictive and didn’t want anything to have a hold over me.”
I have an addictive personality. When I was a smoker, I was a steam-shovel who lit up first thing in the morning and last thing at night. When I drank, I drank to excess. I didn’t keep a bottle of booze in my desk, but on a night out, I’d close the bars. Yes, I am addicted to coffee and I accept that addiction with my eyes wide open. I limit my intake but there’s no way I’m going to quit, even if they decide coffee is actually composed of asbestos, fecal matter and yak hair. I’m still going to drink it!
I agree. Can’t start my day without it. McDonald coffee is free this week, so I enjoyed one while I shopped today too. 🙂 could be a lot worse