This may seem weird. It feels weird. It feels even weirder to admit it. But I prefer texting over the telephone. Talking to my Mom and Dad is the only exception.
I was born in the city where the phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, and lived up the road from the official museum. But as a consumer, it’s not my favourite thing. I’m one of the few members of my generation who rejoiced over email and gave thanks for texting.
When I thought about it, I realized I’ve always felt a little uncomfortable on the phone. Surely, millions of my peers also have painful memories of waiting by a phone that never rang, so it’s not that. For goodness sake, I am a radio announcer so I understand the art of communicating via audio only. Maybe it’s because I only want that communication to go one way? I kid, I kid.
I find that after doing news all morning and voice work all afternoon, I’m sick of talking. Using my voice is something that feels like work to me. Maybe if I charged my friends and family for phone calls…again, I kid.
I’m that person who catches the hint that the other person wants to end the conversation, but keeps on talking. I realize I’m doing it but I can’t seem to help it. And voicemail can turn me into a blathering idiot. Even after all of these years, I sometimes – not always – babble incoherently and have to call again to leave a message that makes sense. After I hang up, I always have a vague feeling that I’ve done something wrong. Voice mail is not my friend.
This dislike might be exacerbated by my hearing loss, too. Every phone is different and I still miss the odd word if I don’t have my hearing aids in. I tend to take them out when I’m at home alone. And there’s always the risk that I’ll reach a low-talker or even worse, someone who expresses audible disdain mixed with frustration if I ask them to speak up. You wouldn’t believe how often people get annoyed when you tell them you can’t hear them. It’s a real thing.
I’d rather text all day and night. Or email. Or speak face to face. Damn you Alex and your fancy technology!