No, not the one I live in. Many months ago, we joined with brother Rob and another partner in a house-flipping adventure. We bought a wreck of a place in Welland, ON and through the magic of money and back-breaking labour, turned it into a home for two families and an income property for someone to buy.
I ought to disclose that everyone involved is credited with the labour part, except me. I was dealing with my rotator cuff issue at the time and couldn’t help. Anyway, they turned an unimaginably ruined home with good bones, into a fully rented happy home that’s on the market.
I’m in the process of writing a two-part article about the adventure for Sun Media. Here’s just a small taste of what “before” looked like. Now, I like the colour purple but not enough to lather it on a ceiling and woodwork.
The “after” is much more inviting, don’t you think? Transformations like this were made all through the house as it was turned back into a duplex.
The articles will essentially be the answer to the question, what if we tried to do what they seem to do with such ease on all of those house-flipping HGTV shows? It’s a cautionary tale and a dose of reality about trying to do it for the first time, on a budget. At this moment, we don’t really know if there will be a second time!