Workplace Protocol

Sure, sometimes my milk gets stolen from the fridge so I write CAT URINE on it in big, red letters. Somehow I have become “the one who runs the dishwasher” and voices in the hallway seem to always reach heavy metal concert level as soon as we start recording an interview, but I work in a pretty cool, relaxed environment.  

It’s radio after all, we’re not doing pediatric brain surgery, so we should be able to have a little bit of fun! This went up on the studio wall this week, apropos of nothing in particular. Afternoon host Ryan Valdron is the author.

Handwritten poster reads This is a velociraptor-free workplace. Below a cartoon raptor with a red line through it, it has proudly been 4 days since our last incident. Beside that is a smaller poster with co-host Blair's photo on it that says he will be missed!

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