It’s certainly possible that Elvis is alive, JFK was shot by his own government, the moon landing was recorded on a soundstage and the twin towers were brought down by the US administration. Anything is possible. But I don’t believe that any of those things happened.
What I do believe, is there is a large segment of society that is unable to cope with the idea that random, awful things can happen to them and those they love. They’re “everything happens for a reason” people on steroids. They have to attribute the reason to something tangible and mortal. Suggesting it’s the work of a deity isn’t enough.
On my way home from work on Thursday, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, I saw two young people on the corner of a major London intersection. They were young, maybe early twenties, and holding homemade cardboard signs that read 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! I pulled up to the light and put down my window.
“Are you guys for real?” I asked.
They looked at each other quizzically. “We’re for real”, said the guy.
“Who are you with?” They looked at each other in confusion. “What organization are you with?”
“We’re not with anyone. We’re just trying to spread the truth.”
I put my window up. I’m not sure if I respect their chutzpah or think they’re giant chickens for not staging their little demonstration at the 9/11 memorial service. If they want to provoke, that would be the place to do it.
Nothing in this world is perfect and our governments sometimes lie to us. But I don’t think they lied to us about 9/11. And I think something else a lot like it could happen again, because this world is unpredictable and random things happen that can change our lives forever. I don’t like it but I think it’s the way it is.
Generally speaking, conspiracy theories are lazy. That being said, I laughed at people who said the Rob Ford tumour thing is a red herring, until I learned that Dr. Rueben Devlin, CEO of Humber who led the 1st hospital newser last week, is a vocal opponent of John Tory. And that Greenestone, the rehab/spa Rob went to in the summer, specializes in areas of GI, colon, etc.. Both verifiable facts. Given this pair’s long list of lies to Torontonians, I don’t know what to believe. But I do join you in your conviction that 9/11 was NOT an inside job.