I’ve always found it frustrating that people don’t seem to care about city politics. Unless there’s a scandal, and London’s council has provided a lot of them this term, most people don’t pay attention to the level of government that has the most direct effect on their lives.
And then there’s the province, the federal government and the senate, where I believe that if Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin were well-liked, our Prime Minister would be in a whole heap of trouble. Think about it: Duffy alleges a major cover-up in the PM’s office over his spending debacle and nobody blinks. Why? No one likes Duffy!
But I digress.
A poll released this week in the US shows just how little the American people think of their government in the wake of the 16-day partial shutdown, which most people probably don’t understand. It was about ego. The Republicans can’t stand the thought of the Democrats putting out a health care policy that people will like. That’s the bottom line. So rather than help make sure little Johnny can get his broken leg fixed without his parents having to sell a kidney, they want to kill the entire program.
I digress again.
Public Policy Polling surveyed Americans to see what they thought of Congress in general. Only 8% gave them a positive rating. (They have relatives and friends, after all.) Voters reported they felt significantly more support for hemorrhoids than Congress. Other things they preferred over Congress included jury duty, the Department of Motor Vehicles, witches, toenail fungus, cockroaches, and dog poop. However, congress did score higher than Russian President Vladimir Putin, New York Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, and twerking.*
*source: This is True newsletter.