A Slightly Condescending Randt

Some things are so simple.  But for some people, they’re not simple enough.  Today’s randt was inspired by our Mayor’s desire to revisit the garbage pickup schedule because he’s tired of hearing from constituents who are “confused” and “frustrated” by the current rotation.  In the words of Jerry Seinfeld, “Who arrreeee these people?”  And I randt.  


2 thoughts on “A Slightly Condescending Randt”

  1. Okay, I’m confused? Based on an 8 day pick up, and yes I can count, does this mean that the days on which garbage is being picked up change and are weekends counted in that 8 days? If your putting out garbage on different days of the week based on an 8 day rotation, yes I can see the confusion, but then I don’t live there and eventually would get uses to it.

    1. You count weekends although there’s no pickup on weekends. So if you have pickup on a Wednesday, the next week it’s picked up on Thursday, then Friday the following week. Then you go a week with no pickup followed by Monday, etc. It’s all spelled out on a little calendar. It’s so easy and yes, people get used to it! Of all the things we have going on, Mayors smoking crack and being corrupt and kids getting hit by cars whose drivers take off surely an 8-day garbage schedule can be farther down the list of worries.

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