Blair Pays Up

June was Celibacy Month.  Blair and I made a bet on The Big Show back then to see who could go the longest without, you know. Like Ray Romano on Everybody Loves Raymond, I declaredmyself a “sex camel”. I was probably going to win – but Blair didn’t even last one night!  

I was relieved, actually, because if I had lost I’d have to clean his two-cat litterbox.  His penance was to cut my lawn.  Although it’s a chore, I do have a riding lawnmower so it’s also a little bit fun!  He paid up on the weekend and I made sure he also did the front with the push mower.  Truth be told, he was totally into it and did a great job.  And I shot video of it.

If you can’t play the video you can also see it at this link: