A Million Vacations

Boy oh boy, some people have too little to think about.  

You might be surprised how many people asked me if things were okay at home because I went to Calgary for a week on my own. While some inquiries were quite innocent, and likely out of genuine concern, others dripped of hope for a juicy story to spread around. I’m happy to say I disappointed those people!  And I happen to think that some time apart is healthy for a relationship.

For many years, hubby has taken an annual bike trip with a buddy and I’ve taken the same week or two off to enjoy a stay-cation.  This year a close colleague had already claimed that week so I booked my trip to Calgary later in the summer instead. Not that I owe anyone an explanation. I prefer to take my holidays with my husband but he also needs his guy time. I call it his chance to top up his testosterone again and to not have to answer any questions about curtains or dust ruffles!  Last year we did a bike trip through Arizona together, too, but we don’t cover as much ground as he does with his pals. We move on my schedule which includes frequent stops and a slower pace!

I’ve always been fascinated by those ancient couples you see in the newspaper, celebrating several decades of marriage.  Some say “we’ve never spent a night apart” and my first thought isn’t, “how sweet”.  It’s, “what the heck do you two talk about?” Shared experiences are the point of being married but you’re still two separate people. If you don’t have your own interests, what’s interesting about you? Still, it’s different strokes for different folks. I’m not judging, I just know I couldn’t be joined at the hip for every minute. We both need some space to just “be”.  And when we’ve been wherever we’ve been, the other is the person we can’t wait to see and tell all about it.

5 thoughts on “A Million Vacations”

  1. Sounds to me like you and Derek have a very healthy understanding of the key ingredients to what sustains and keeps a relationship interesting. Relationships are much like baking, use fresh ingredients and the outcome is spectacular, allow those same ingredients to sit on the shelf before using them and the outcome is very disappointing. So you both keep interjecting those fresh ingredients and may the outcome be equally spectacular.

  2. As a woman with a family of 6 whose husband takes the kids to visit his family far away for two weeks a year, let me tell you that those 2 weeks ensure my mental health for the other 50.

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