Did you hear about the British woman who says she’s too pretty to work? She claims she can’t function in any job because she’s just so beautiful that men won’t leave her alone and being employed becomes too troublesome. She has decided, and I quote, employment is not for me.
Laura Fernee has a PhD in science and has tried – oh how she has tried – to work in medical research for the last 5 years. But she finally had to give it up because she was constantly being asked out and given gifts by admiring coworkers. It’s not just the fawning men that bother her, it’s the jealous women who make her life miserable. But somehow she has the uncanny ability to maintain some sense of dignity while telling her story through the media and admitting that she is now being fully supported by her parents. Mom and Dad pay her rent, gym membership, and finance a designer clothing habit that tops $2300 monthly. Did I mention that she’s 33?
Here’s something else she said: “Even when I was in a laboratory in scrubs with no makeup they still came on to me because of my natural attractiveness.”
My goodness. I don’t buy this load of horse-puckey for a moment. I work with at least two model-beautiful women. In fact one is a former model and without even trying she can make men stop talking mid-conversation when she passes by. Not only is she taken seriously at work, she is aware that her attitude has a lot to do with what happens in her presence. She can shut down a guy with amorous intentions in a big hurry and steer things back to business. It’s just not believable that Laura Fernee is completely helpless in the presence of others because of her radiant gorgeousness. I also don’t happen to believe that so many men are drooling lap-dogs who can’t control themselves in the presence of an appealing woman.
This is really a no-win situation for Ms. Fernee. Except for the fact that her parents are buying her tale, literally, by covering her expenses, at least until she loses her looks. I mean, someone who’s so upset about her own overwhelming attractiveness certainly wouldn’t do anything to preserve her beauty, would she? I’d expect her to go to bed with make-up on, bake her face in the sun and beat herself with an ugly stick. I’d assume she’s doing whatever she can as quickly as possible so she can reduce the horrible burden of being so beautiful and get back into the workforce, where she clearly wants to be.
Ok. Her 15 minutes are up. Send her back to Skankville! And in the name of credibility, I feel you should post some pics of your “model-beautiful” coworkers.