It’s no secret that London, Ontario has some of the best medical minds in the country. This is a good place to get sick!
Now the first phase of a human trial on an AIDS/HIV vaccine created in London is being called a huge success. Human testing on people with the virus began in March. Now they can move on to phase two, which will involve those at high risk of infection.
AIDS may not grab the headlines it used to because some patients can live with it. It isn’t necessarily the death sentence it used to be. But quality of life matters, too, and a life on intense medications can be not much of a life at all. Wouldn’t it be nice if one day we could tell kids about the doctors who eradicated the scourge known as HIV, Dr. Chil-Yong Kang and his team at Western’s Schulich School of Medicine. These are some of society’s real heroes of today.