My Fan Dalton

I remember when this letter arrived at 680 News.  I was speechless.  I had announced on air that I was leaving and although the few times when I had met the Premier over the years he had always claimed to listen to us, this letter made it real.  

But it’s been tucked in a drawer because, well, Dalton McGuinty isn’t everyone’s favourite politician, to say the least. Things have become so bad for him and his government that he actually had to shut it all down just to save some face.  But still, it came from his heart, he took the time to dictate it!  And it touched me, politics aside.  Now that he’s leaving office it seems like a good time to haul it out.


2 thoughts on “My Fan Dalton”

  1. That’s lovely. Recognition from any listener is a gift, but from one for whom “media” can actually be a four-letter word, is high praise indeed. Thanks for sharing that.

  2. Regardless of a persons political likes or dislikes, that’s pretty cool to get a high up recognition for your talent & hard work. Yay!

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