My Addiction is Good for Me

I have only one vice left.  I’m an ex-smoker and ex-drinker but I’ve still got my coffee.  And unless I start growing deadly tumours that have actual coffee inside them, I’m not giving it up. 

I drink a lot less coffee than I used to but there is almost nothing that could convince me to give up my morning cups-of-Joe, especially with a daily wake-up time of 3:30 am.

Coffee gets good and bad reviews in various studies but a new one out of Norway claims it helps reduce pain, and not just the pain of waking up.

Researchers took 48 volunteers who agreed to perform fake computer tasks as if they were working in an office. Those who drank coffee reported less intense back and shoulder pain than those who were caffeine-free.  The problem with the study is the scientists didn’t track how much coffee was consumed, only that it was or it wasn’t.  So they can’t conclude whether more coffee means more pain relief.  Well perhaps they can’t but I can.  When the alarm sounds at 3:30 am you need to find the perfect amount of java that will keep you alert and focused without drinking so much that you get the shakes and irritability.  It’s different for everyone.   But the definition of intense pain for me is trying to go caffeine-free. I’ve got a monkey on my back and it’s called large-dark-roast-with-milk!

4 thoughts on “My Addiction is Good for Me”

  1. I gave it up for 24 weeks during my pregnancy because baby had an irregular heartbeat. It was the hardest 24 weeks of my life and I went back on within an hour of her birth. I consider it my drug of choice and have no plans to give it up. I am happy to no longer be drooling at random people in the street who are carrying their warm cup of Tim’s.

  2. I’m with you. If it’s the worst vice we’re gonna have… we’re doing alright.

    Smoking & drinking went hand-in-hand for me, so it made sense to just drop both at the same time. My trainer is trying to get me to let coffee go, but I have no desire to give up my liquid comfort food. Yes, it wakes me up, but I also enjoy a warm beverage in my tummy. 🙂 I tried to switch to herbal tea, but no dice.

  3. Hey, if anybody cares: 7-11 dropped off some of their new pumpkin spice latte thingies last week at the station (no, no free plugs on air) but I can tell you that it was every bit as good as the comparable Starbucks flavour and I’m guessing it’s about 1/2 the price. Just so you know. And Lisa – you just keep doing what you’re doing, girl!

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