The Mayor’s Mouth

So London’s Mayor, Joe Fontana, is taking some heat for telling our university football team, the Western Mustangs, that hard work is bullshit. 

I’m not Joe’s biggest fan but I have to defend him here.  Joe was hanging out with university students. He was trying to relate. They were celebrating their first weekend back for school.  He was in a jovial mood and attempting to make the point that they have to make time for fun.  I wish some puckered behinds would cut him a little slack.

Joe is a character.  Not in the way Rob Ford is a character. No, that’s councillor Stephen Orser.  But he talks from the heart and he’s a little rough around the edges. If anyone is offended by the use of the words damn or bullshit well, they’re a little too sensitive in my view. There are a few things Joe could stand to refine but his friendliness and “everyman” personality aren’t among them.  You go Joe.  Besides…this may be your only term as Mayor…

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