Denying Responsibility

This is rich.  A former Bank of Montreal manager claims he was wrongfully fired.  They let him go because he was having sex with a female employee during work hours but he says firing him was unfair.It seems companies often have a very difficult time letting someone go for “cause”.  Those people too often turn around and sue for reinstatement and far too often, they win.  It’s much easier for the company to say it’s “restructuring”, pay the worker off and have the case close.  It’s sad, really.

The manager was first suspended while the bank looked into a complaint that he was basically a pig toward women with a short temper. Like a Catholic priest, they shipped him to a smaller branch where, ostensibly, he could get a fresh start and have less responsibility.  Then he was found to have been having sex at the bank with a willing female employee, during and after business hours.

Let me count the ways that is a problem: judgement, breach of employment agreement, oh yeah and EW!  Imagine being a teller who knew that your manager was in the back boffing your colleague while you worked away out front.  People know.  I once worked with two people who used to duck into an office and do the nasty and they thought no one knew.  EVERYONE knew!   Sometimes saying “I won’t do it again” isn’t enough.  There are some behaviors that don’t need to be spelled out for an adult to know they are just wrong.

So now he’s fighting to get his job back.  Please, Great Gazoo and he who lords over all financial institutions do the right thing and put this this guy into some sort of job where he has no authority over people and no responsibilities that he can abuse.  There HAVE to be consequences for peoples’ actions.  This should be one of those instances.

1 thought on “Denying Responsibility”

  1. Gloria Bryant

    Janitor would be a great place to start, so every person whom he formerly bossed has priority over him!

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