Experts at the United Nations estimate that at the end of this month there will be 7 billion people on planet earth. 7 billion as of Halloween. That’s scary! Other experts are grappling with everything it means to have 7 billion people sharing a spinning rock with an estimated 10 billion or so by 2100.
Of course the bulk of the new people are being made in countries that can’t afford to feed or fix them when they’re sick. Depending on who you listen to the number one problem all of these humans will face is a dwindling fresh water supply. Or it’s where to put all of their poop. Or if you’re a white person living near a fresh water supply with proper plumbing, it’s rising taxes.
I can’t solve any of those problems. I can try to not make them worse. I turn off the water when I brush my teeth. I buy bednets during bednet drives. I support Kiva. I’m grateful that I’m a helper and not a helpee.
All I know is, with 7 billion people on earth there is no possible way in heck I’m ever going to be able to stand in line at a grocery store and not get shoved in the back of the knees by the cart of the person behind me.