London has been named the 11th most Canucky city in Canada. A think tank at the University of Toronto called The Martin Prosperity Institute ranked 144 cities based on particularly Canadian criteria and by doing so they’re attempting to make Canucky an actual word.
They checked every city for its number of breweries, Tim Hortons locations, syrup producers, fur stores, its labour force share of fishing, farming and forestry, how many Hudson’s Bay stores it has (including Zellers and Home Outfitters) as well as hockey teams and weighted it all against its population. They also considered the local use of both official languages. Moncton, New Brunswick came out on top as the most Canadian, eh? Toronto ranked 9th. Surprisingly, Timmins, the home of Shania Twain, was 25th. Woodstock came in at number 20. Hamilton, where you can walk to a Tims from virtually any location, didn’t even make the top 25.
I think our breweries put us higher than we otherwise might have been. London is the home of Labatt and a few smaller beer makers. It just makes me want to put on a toque, grab a donut and hang out with my fellow hosers, eh?
Well, whaddya know??? K-W is 5th! I’m gonna celebrate with poutine & maple syrup.
Yum… I think! I would love to know what put K-W so high. I didn’t find it particularly Canucky when I was there, but congrats all the same, eh?