
Lucky Bucket

My brother Kevin is finally home after one of his bucket-list adventures: a motorcycle trip to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. It sits on the northern-most part of the US highway system – in fact, 10 miles north of the actual highway. Sarah Palin couldn’t see Russia from Prudhoe Bay, but that country isn’t far away.  …

Sucky Suckerson of Suckville

Last week sucked. It wasn’t 100%-sucking-every-moment suck, but it sucked overall. The death of my Dad was off the charts of the Suck Scale, of course, and it doesn’t get any suckier than that. Then on Friday, I got into an accident at Horton St. and Wharncliffe Rd. in London. My pretty little red Kia took the brunt of the suckiness, although the other guy’s vehicle didn’t fare much better.  …

To Tell the Tooth

It’s been more than a year since I lost a tooth. It was always a troublesome one. When it needed a small filling, it turned grey. So I got a veneer on it, which lasted several years until I swallowed it while eating a caramel apple at the Western Fair. Then one day while driving home from work, it just made a break for it. I called the gap it left behind, my hillbilly tooth.  …

The Insurance Man Cometh

Just an update on my collision last Thursday.  Because the other driver is being a dickwad (at last check, anyway) my insurance company is telling me that I may have to accept 50% responsibility for a collision that was 0% my fault. I will not do that.  …