
Derek and I holding cardboard cartoon smiles up to our mouths in a McDonald's

Come On Get Happy

I used to want to be famous. When I was a lot younger, I thought fame was a sure path to acceptance, adoration and financial freedom. I believed that fame washed away insecurities and flaws, leaving behind a shiny, beloved creature without a care in the world. I assumed it was how you got happy.

Review: Kathy Griffin’s Celebrity Run-Ins: My A-Z Index

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who think Kathy Griffin is hilarious and those who don’t get her comedy at all. Count me in the first camp. The red-headed agitator’s latest book is a collection of awkward and funny encounters with some of the most famous people in showbiz. 

Throwback Thursday – I Guess I Met Joan Jett

When I worked at MIX 999 it wasn’t unusual to run into a celebrity you didn’t even know was in the building. Movie-star magnet Brian Linehan was working at CFRB down the hall so you might bump into Lauren Bacall in the coffee room or pass Michael J. Fox on his way to the men’s room. Loads of rock stars came in for interviews with those of us at the MIX, mainly Maureen Holloway, who hosted an evening interview show. …

My First Celebrity Interview – Sept. 24, 2002

My first celebrity interview was to be The Rovers. A Canadian music staple, they were going through a rebirth and thus were no longer Irish in name. It was an attempt to go mainstream country and leave their green-alligator-and-long-necked-geese persona of a novelty act behind them. I was very excited. Who hadn’t seen them on TV? They were real Canadian stars at that time.  …