Amy Schumer

closeup of infant feet

Baby Love

I’ll admit it: I love a little gossip. Who is dating whom. Behind-the-scenes tidbits from shows and movies. I’m selective about where I’ll bag my trash about celebrities, though, because there’s an aspect of it that makes me truly feel sick to my stomach.

Shaming Schumer

Love her or loathe her Amy Schumer – I love her – is a powerful force in pop culture. Her TV show, Inside Amy Schumer, is a boundary-pusher. She spoofs, and therefore brings to light, even serious issues like rape culture on university campuses. She did a skit about college football players gathered in a locker room after winning a big game, and asking their coach about every possible scenario they could find themselves in, and whether it would make a rape okay. Doesn’t sound funny? Well it was, and every time the coach said an emphatic “No” to the increasingly ridiculous hypothetical situations, it drove the point home that it’s never okay.