May 2016

Throwback Thursday – Mom P.I.

When you live in the country, you watch out for your neighbours. You get to know each other’s routines and you keep an eye out for anything strange. Growing up outside of Smithville, Ontario, we saw it all. Teenagers dropping cases of beer in the reeds near our front pond for safe keeping. A neighbour’s kid, ploughing his car through our flock of ducks as they attempted to cross the road. Trespassing hunters from the city, wandering through our fields and woods, guns loaded, looking for deer.  …

Feeling Your Photos

Ever wonder how your profile picture/head shot comes across to other people? If you’ve had a business photo taken by a professional, you have to rely on their expertise. Family and friends will tell you if you look foolish, but they’re also used to your face. So how can you find out the first impression you’re making? There’s a website for that.  …

The Ointment Fly

Recently, someone in our industry died and social media was filled with tributes to him. From my first introduction to him in the early 80’s, to our last encounter at Rogers radio in Toronto, I didn’t have a good experience with this person. Ever. So I simply stayed out of it and didn’t comment. It was as if they were all talking about someone I’d never met.  …

The Heimlich Validation

If I asked you to identify Henry Heimlich, you might say he’s the guy who invented a life-saving technique called the Heimlich Manouver. And you’d be right. But did you also know that he’s not popular in the science world? For one thing, who puts their own name on something that saves lives? If that was common, a defibrillator would be known as Johnson’s Chest Paddles.  …