
After last week’s Republican presidential nominees debate, the top 10 of them anyway, will Americans finally see through the muskrat-topped blowhard, Donald Trump? 

In advance of the Fox News square-off, political advisors said the one thing the front-runner had to do to win the debate was appear presidential. He had to look like a man whom Americans would want to represent them on the world stage. In that realm, Donald Trump failed like a failing failure. (I’m using lingo he would understand.) He took a mean shot at Rosie O’Donnell and defended his previously documented insults to women and Mexicans. Trump may know the issues and believe he has the chutzpah to deal with them, but he comes off like a cheap man in an expensive suit.

Donald Trump caught in a breeze. His combover rises in the wind and folds back over his head.

My favourite description of Donald Trump comes from comic John Mulaney, who first performed this bit back in 2009. It stuck with me and makes me laugh every time I see that orange-toned, weasel-headed egomaniac. Enjoy:

“Donald Trump is what a hobo imagines a rich man to be. He was walking in the ally one day, and heard this.

Hobo – “Oh boy oh boy, as soon as my numbers come in, I am going to put tall buildings with my name on em. I’ll have fine, golden hair, and a tv show where I fire people with my children.”

Donald Trump was like, ‘That is how I’m going to live my life. Thank you hobo for the life plan.”


1 thought on “Trumped”

  1. The presidential race and Trumps participation is a reflection of the clowns who have been performing in Congress over the past 8 years. The only thing missing right now, is to have Howard Stern toss his hat into the race and go head to head in a debate with Trump.

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