A Smaller Big Show

Radio is a business that eats its young. If you don’t know that going into it, you learn it along the way.  It throws out good people on whims. You have to expect to one day get fired for no reason, or you’re just not being realistic. But some of us still love it despite its obvious flaws.

Derek “Rock” Botten was fired from The Big Show on Monday. It’s really not for me to comment on whether that’s a good or bad move for the station. I don’t run it. But he and I and Blair have worked really hard to create something special and ratings haven’t even come out yet. So it hurts us all.

And it’s a little extra sting for Derek and me because we are married. Our relationship was deliberately never part of the show. He talked about his wife Lovey and I talked about my husband, but we never said we were talking about each other. It just wasn’t that kind of program and we didn’t want to make it about a couple. It was Botten, Blair and Brandt with me quite happily in the third banana role. It would have been awkward. Many people know, of course, so it added an extra layer for them. But many people didn’t know. Because of our relationship, and the fact that I’m staying on, they gave me the rest of the week off.

Being on the show together was great for our personal lives. We were on the same crazy schedule and when we made public appearances, at least we were together! It made them more fun. Midday family nap time – us and Spice the cat – was one of the best parts of the day. At work, we were pure colleagues but we also kept each other in check because we have that built-in trust. We tried our best to keep the marriage part out of the studio but we failed sometimes. We are only human.

Everybody at Free loves Derek. The people who fired him love him. That’s irrelevant. In the industry we are calling it Black Monday. Entire staffs in Ottawa were let go as was at least one other personality in London. It’s part of the business.

My husband is talented, industrious and knows everybody in this city. For a while he will just breathe and get used to the new normal. Then he will pick a professional direction and head toward it. I’m not worried. In fact I think we are luckier than most. We discussed what it might be like if this happened and here we are. It was still a shock but it’s not the end of the world. You can only love being in radio as long as it loves you back.

3 thoughts on “A Smaller Big Show”

  1. So well written. Bridges intact, feelings still expressed. This business. So hard, so good, so tough, so rewarding. No wonder most of us in it are in need of therapy.

    1. Isn’t that the truth? He is optimistic and feeling energized. His close buddies are taking him out for long breakfasts and lunches. He’s already scheming and planning. I’m sad but realistic. It couldn’t last forever!

  2. Sorry to hear this news. There must be something else exciting for him to sink his teeth into around the corner. I’m thinking about you both, but know it will work out fine, such talent can’t and won’t be wasted. Keep us posted pleased.

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