Brandt’s Randt – Cynics Need Not Apply

Before I left 680 News, legendary political reporter John Stall and I had a discussion about cynicism.  He made a very good point.  Being a cynic is a barrier to growth.  Even when it comes to the Mayor of this city where unemployment and closing companies are issues and he says what we need is a gondola ride over the Thames. At least I thought about it before I dismissed it as dumb!  So I randt. 


1 thought on “Brandt’s Randt – Cynics Need Not Apply”

  1. Well, if you can’t manage to count to ten, then try asking the question why? By continuously asking the question why, you will eventually gain an understanding to the thought processes and rational behind the idea, while at the same time gain all the information you require to detail and outline what a truly dumb idea it was/is!

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